grep -r <year> . grep -r <old-ver> .
sed -nr 's/^ *(use|require) +([A-Z][^; ]*).*/\2/p' $(find . -name '*.pm') | sort -u
Describe all changes since last release in CHANGES
and debian/changelog
svn log -r <old-rev>:HEAD | less
cvs log -rrel-<old-ver>:: 2>&1 | less
Commit changelogs to version control system.
perl Build.PL ./Build manifest ./Build distmeta
Commit package meta-data files to version control system.
./Build dist ./Build distclean
svn-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc -tc -I.svn
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc -tc -ICVS
lintian -i ../*.changes
If any problems are found, fix them and start again from step 3.
svn cp . ../tags/<new-ver>; svn ci $_
cvs tag rel-<new-ver>
Thanks to Julian Mehnle for this list. It is considered by the author to be public domain.